After the Mozart Effect was proposed, a series of studies followed which sought to prove or disprove the causation or correlation between musical training and other academic skills. This lecture recital shares the research and explains what parents and children need to know about the significant impact of musical training upon their brains.

Exhilaration is the Breeze
That lifts us from the Ground
And leaves us in another place...
Returns us not, but after time
We soberly descend
A little newer for the term
from a poem by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Upcoming Closed Events
August 2024 - March 2025
To protect privacy and maintain safety for students, faculty, and residents in schools and senior living facilities, we do not publicize dates and times of events which are not open to the public.
Musica Dynamica presents Neural Circuits of the Brain Represented by Musical Instruments
Musica Dynamica and Dr. Chi will provide unique lecture-recitals in suburban NYC schools which will demonstrate how normal, optimal, and dysfunctional neural circuits affect student learning and performance of academics, sports, and music.

Musica Dynamica presents an Introduction to Harnessing Music's Benefits for our Brains and Minds
Musica Dynamica and Dr. Chi will provide introductory lecture-recitals for senior citizens in nursing homes, assisted living centers, and independent living centers in eight communities of New York City's metropolitan area.
How do composers display or hide meaning in their music which an audience can still realize?
Although Stalin commissioned Dmitry Shostakovich to write many symphonies, the composer filled his pieces with nationalistic meaning which the Soviets enjoyed as well as with oppositional meaning which the Soviets failed to understand. When Soviet authorities began to suspect that composers were political meanings, they demanded lyrics which they could easily understand. However, this didn't stop Shostakovich from expressing his critique of Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, the Nazi Holocaust, and Soviet Antisemitic pogroms which denied the Nazi Holocaust while shaming and killing more Russian Jews.
Learn how music can powerfully express deep meanings in this lecture-recital.

Discovering hidden artistic treasures for Black History Month
To help slaves in The South to communicate, plan, and then escape prior to the Civil War, African-American songwriters coded their spiritual songs.
On the other hand, the great accomplishments of many African-American composers, singers, and musicians were openly part of common and concert culture of the Europe and the USA in the 1800s until they were shrouded later in the 1900s in Nazi Germany and the USA. The ascent of incredible classical musicians such as Marian Anderson were stifled and suppressed for some time, but the richness of their voices, compositions, and recordings remain stimulating and inspiring for the mind.
Upcoming Public Events
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Selection of Past Events
June 2024

Musica Dynamica presents Neural Circuits of the Brain Represented by Musical Instruments
Musica Dynamica and Dr. Chi will provide unique lecture-recitals in several high schools in the suburbs of New York City which will present how normal, optimal, and dysfunctional neural circuits operate.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Artistica Dynamica hosted and sponsored Albert Frantz for a moving recital-talk about child abuse for both the faculty and graduate students of the Positive Psychology Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Albert Frantz: How Jazz & Classical Music saved him from abuse
Mr. Frantz shared a recital-talk which he also delivered for the entire assembly of the Austrian Parliament in Vienna in February 2024. Mr. Frantz elaborated how music saved him and carried him away from his step-father who neglected, brutalized, and disowned him. To hear and see a prelude to this story, click here for his inspiring autobiographical documentary by DreamaTV.

Photo credit: Katharina Schiffl

Photo credit: Katharina Schiffl
Albert Frantz: Jazz & Classical piano pieces by Beethoven, Schumann, Liszt, and Gershwin
To hear a stunning 1 minute of Mr. Frantz's playing, click here for a highlight of music by a little-known friend of both Frederic Chopin and Franz Liszt. The brilliant pianist Charles-Valentin Alkan, a Franco-Jewish composer in Paris, was even more reclusive than Chopin.

Musica Dynamica presents Holiday Cheer at senior living & care centers

Musica Dynamica presents Back to the Baroque at senior living & care centers
How does creativity work in the brain?
After scientists at Dartmouth Geisel Medical School disproved the oversimplified dichotomy of the left-sided brain versus the right-sided brain, other scientists discovered how the brain turns on creativity between the two side of the brain. Learn from this lecture recital how you can slip into the optimal mental mode to turn on your creativity and...
Can animal brains appreciate the arts?
Birds sing, some parrots can mimic human singing, an elephant seems to paint, and pet owners attest to dogs and cats which seem to appreciate music. What is the truth to these observation and anecdotes? In this lecture recital, we'll examine the similarities and differences between the human brain versus animal brains. We'll learn what animals are...